Monday, January 9, 2012

Back on the wagon

From Thanksgiving to Now...all bets have been off regarding any healthy eating of any kind! Thanksgiving came and I couldn't resist the temptation of the carb loaded sides: Mashed potatoes, stuffing, flour-thickened gravy, rolls...I was done-for. Then with the holiday seasons rolling up right after that, I figured there was no point in trying to resist all the seasonal goodies, all the holiday parties, and the endless flow of treats that come into the office, so for the past month, I have been a total glutton for food...I have been eating whatever I want.
At first, it felt a little liberating, to be honest. I didn't have to pass on the bagels or doughnuts that co-workers graciously offered. I didn't have to get the third choice on the menu when what I really wanted to dig into was a big bowl of mac and cheese. Most of the time, when eating low carb, I feel fine, I don't feel too limited, and I still eat good food...but there is always that itch you want to comes from eating the Standard American Diet for my entire life.
But after a month of eating junk...even when it is "healthy", I am feeling bogged down. I feel bloated most of the time, my system has been out of whack for a while now...after feeling what I felt when I was eating low-carb, high protein, high fat...I want that back. I want to feel regular I am back on the wagon. I am back to cutting out the carbs and sugars that are slowing me down and giving me an extra layer of "protection" that I don't need, and I am ready to start eating some good, clean foods.
For me, the challenge I am going to face is my new school schedule. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I work from 8-12, then I leave to go straight to school. I have class that starts at 12:20 pm, from then on, I have three class, with just 10 minutes in between each of them, and I won't get home until 7:30pm every I will need to be packing some snacks, and start looking into some crock pot meals or something that can be ready for me when I get home after be ready to see a lot of those recipes get thrown up here.
Here is to a healthy and happy 2012!

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